Welcome to BATCH Solutions
BATCH is an acronym describing the company’s current and future business activities, which focus on holistic adult education, consulting and capital investment.
Do we need hardcopy books in a digital age? Yes, we do.
BATCH Solutions conceptualises and publishes books which portray Zambia like “Young Zambia. Amidst Poverty and Abundant Resources”. We offer both fine quality hardcopies and ebooks.
Digital art has the potential to combine tradition and innovation. BATCH Solutions thus wishes to bring Zambian digital art to exhibition halls and private homes celebrating digital art pioneer Danny Chiyesu.
We believe in travelling as a powerful means of transformational education. Small group tours to the Victoria Falls region (including visits to Zimbabwe and Botswana) will be offered starting in 2023. Besides rich experience in nature the tours will facilitate plenty of encounters with local people.
BATCH Solutions aims to provide complementary capital for selected local start-ups through equity and loans. In the longer run we also plan to link up German small investors with local SMEs. In this process we will offer consulting services to both Zambian and German companies.
Providing support to vulnerable groups will be an integral part of our business. In our CSR activities we will put emphasis on supporting girls’ education.
Zambia in a nutshell. Meet "Young Zambia" - a book which portrays Zambia providing rich content in about 200 pages. Local writers' expertise covering topics such as farming, mining, tourism, health and environmental issues, education, traditional ceremonies as well as Zambia's history and geography. A pearl for your book collection.